
Can I deploy Legacy Update to the network of PCs I manage?

While Legacy Update will likely do what you want, I’d rather you make use of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) or System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) for this task. These are tools built for the job of update deployment to domain PCs; Legacy Update is really intended for single-user, home, or hobbyist PCs not in use on a domain. At any rate, I’d rather not encourage widespread use of legacy Windows in a corporate environment.

If you choose to ignore this and deploy Legacy Update anyway, please be sure that the privacy policy is not in conflict with regulations your company must abide to.

Can I bundle Legacy Update with my custom Windows iso, program pack, etc?

Yes, but I request that you please ask the user for permission to install Legacy Update, so they have the opportunity to be informed that a third-party will be in between their PC and the Microsoft official Windows Update servers. A link to the privacy policy would be appreciated wherever it would be appropriate to display one.

Are there any command line switches I can use when installing Legacy Update?

Here are the switches supported by Legacy Update setup:

/SSilent installation. Displays no UI and proceeds with default configuration. If a restart is required, Legacy Update setup will exit with error level 3010. The Legacy Update website will not be opened after installation completes. (Case sensitive - the flag is a capital S, not lowercase.)
/passivePassive installation. Similar to /S, but still displays the setup user interface, and may display error or question dialogs. Added in Legacy Update 1.10.
/norestartDon’t restart automatically. Instead, a dialog will prompt you to restart (unless /S has also been passed). Legacy Update will resume immediately after the restart.

Can I install Legacy Update offline?

There currently isn’t a straightforward way to install Legacy Update offline, as it assumes you have an internet connection to download additional components from Microsoft as needed for the Windows configuration you’re running it on. In future, I’d like to add a feature that allows you to pre-download these components for fully offline installation.