Microsoft Download Center Archive

Duet Implementation Best Practices White Paper

  • Published:
  • Version: 1
  • Category: Document
  • Language: English

White paper covering best practices for Duet

  • Duet™ is the result of a groundbreaking collaboration between SAP and Microsoft. It is designed to revolutionize how Information Workers interact with enterprise applications. By using Duet Software, companies can easily and quickly access SAP business processes and data via their familiar Microsoft Office environment.

    This white paper describes the various components that make up a Duet environment, a proposed landscape, scalability and high availability options surrounding Duet, and a sample implementation timeline.


Status: Live

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SHA1: fba62ddd161b365d0d86aa925afbb4f38bd1b824
328 KB
SHA1: 2be9d571c49eceee65cc2226ab41573ea3f3061f
688 KB

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This download includes .xps files. XPS was a Microsoft document format intended to replace PDF. To view these files, you may need to install the XPS Essentials Pack.

System Requirements

Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows XP

Installation Instructions

  • To download this white paper:
    1. Download the file by clicking the appropriate Download link below.