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Microsoft Download Center Archive

Unified Communications in Manufacturing: Accelerating Decisions While Lowering Costs

  • Published:
  • Version: 1
  • Category: Document
  • Language: English

IDC Whitepaper on how UC can help to accelerate decisions while lowering costs

  • Unified communications (UC) broadly defines a highly integratedcommunications environment that combines, or unifies, email, voice,video, and data communications in innovative ways to provide processand productivity improvement. Given that the competitiveeffectiveness of global manufacturing firms will be largely dictated bytheir ability to get the greatest performance out of their businessnetworks, UC technology represents an important enabling technologyplatform. UC represents both immediate business benefit in the formof reduced travel and telecommunication costs and long-term returnsthrough higher levels of information use, better decision making, andshortened process cycles.This document frames the business environment, discusses the state ofUC technology, and provides examples of highly successful UCimplementations.


Status: Live

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Unified Communications in Manufacturing - Accelerating Decisions While Lowering Costs - IDC - Apr2009.pdf
SHA1: f5bf5d54086b4fd6a9d0ff31a7c6d2ca01e1937d
286 KB
Unified Communications in Manufacturing - Accelerating Decisions While Lowering Costs - IDC - Apr2009.xps
SHA1: cb512452469043fda6b599e0a8ceaa9983264bc1
619 KB

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This download includes .xps files. XPS was a Microsoft document format intended to replace PDF. To view these files, you may need to install the XPS Essentials Pack.

System Requirements

Operating Systems: Apple Mac OS X, Windows 7, Windows 98, Windows Mobile 6, Windows Vista, Windows XP

  • none

Installation Instructions

  • download

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