Microsoft Download Center Archive

Web Deploy v3.6

  • Published:
  • Version: 3.6
  • Category: Application
  • Language: English

The Web Deployment Tool simplifies migration, management and deployment of IIS Web servers, Web applications and Web sites.

  • The Web Deployment Tool simplifies the migration, management and deployment of IIS Web servers, Web applications and Web sites. Administrators can use command-line scripting with the Web Deployment Tool to synchronize IIS 6.0, IIS 7.0 and IIS 8.0 servers or to migrate an IIS 6.0 and IIS 7.0 servers to IIS 8.0. The Web Deployment Tool also enables administrators and delegated users to use IIS Manager to deploy ASP.NET and PHP applications to an IIS 7.0 and later servers.

    Migrate Web applications between IIS 6.0, IIS 7.0 and IIS8.0 with ease
    Simplify the planning of your IIS 7.0 to IIS 8.0 migrations by determining incompatibilities and previewing the proposed changes before starting the process. Learning about any potential issues in advance gives you the chance to take corrective measures and simplifies migration.

    Synchronize your server farm efficiently
    The Web Deployment Tool allows you to efficiently synchronize sites, applications or servers across your IIS 8.0 server farm by detecting differences between the source and destination content and transferring only those changes which need synchronization. The tool simplifies the synchronization process by automatically determining the configuration, content, databases and certificates to be synchronized for a specific site. In addition to the default behavior, you still have the option to specify additional providers for the synchronization, including COM, GAC and registry settings.

    Package, archive and deploy Web applications more easily
    The Web Deployment Tool enables you to package configuration and content of your installed Web applications, including SQL and MySQL databases, and use the packages for storage or redeployment. These packages can be deployed using IIS Manager without requiring administrative privileges. The tool also integrates with Visual Studio and WebMatrix to help developers streamline the deployment of Web applications to the Web server.

    For more information, see the following articles:


Status: Live

This download is still available on The downloads below will come directly from the Microsoft Download Center.

SHA1: 7cb7afe101de1cdb1a723f6ca3cb554f7d427661
5.50 MB
SHA1: c57ba7af317628f589bcbc476e693c4ac7bc584c
5.29 MB

File sizes and hashes are retrieved from the Wayback Machine’s indexes. They may not match the latest versions of files hosted on Microsoft servers.

System Requirements

Operating Systems: Windows 7 Professional, Windows 8 Pro, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XP

    • The supported platform is 64-bit for this download.
    • The .NET 2.0 Framework SP1 or greater must be installed.

Installation Instructions

  • To install the Web Deployment Tool:
    • Download and run the setup file.
    • Accept the End User License Agreement(s).
    • Choose whether to install Typical, Custom or Complete.
    • Complete the setup.