Microsoft Download Center Archive

Microsoft Software Inventory Analyzer Documents

  • Published:
  • Version: 06-2009
  • Category: Document
  • Language: English

Support documents for the Microsoft Software Inventory Analyzer tool.

  • The Microsoft Software Inventory Analyzer (MSIA) is a free tool that can help with your software inventory. Using this tool, you can generate an inventory of core Microsoft products that are installed on your local computer or throughout a network. The MSIA is built specifically to be a starting point to working with Software Asset Management (SAM). To that end, the MSIA will work with networks that have 250 computers or fewer, and it will locate only Microsoft software. Also note: The results of the scan performed by the MSIA are completely confidential and not sent to Microsoft. For more information about the MSIA, see the MSIA Online User's Guide, or read our FAQ (frequently asked questions).


Status: Live

This download is still available on The downloads below will come directly from the Microsoft Download Center.

SHA1: 9c916223706a661faf3b6f2d8583c092f552f086
12 KB
SHA1: 0e067884b396dad44c40a05bf4cdf561662e35b4
25 KB
SHA1: 2cbd0280a056f076e78fe5252f7a116703e73b66
650 KB
SHA1: 90a932a00e709a320728a299a6a3c6f649e74a56
2 KB

File sizes and hashes are retrieved from the Wayback Machine’s indexes. They may not match the latest versions of files hosted on Microsoft servers.

System Requirements

Operating Systems: Windows Vista, Windows XP

  • DOC files require Microsoft Word. PDF files require Adobe Acrobat.

Installation Instructions

  • Click Download and save the file to your computer.