Microsoft Download Center Archive

Hinting Indic Fonts with VTT

  • Published:
  • Version: 1.0
  • Category: Undefined
  • Language: English

Microsoft Font Development Training Series: This step-by-step tutorial will help you learn more about hinting Indic fonts with VTT.

  • Microsoft Font Development Training Series: This step-by-step tutorial will help you learn more about hinting Indic fonts with VTT.


Status: Live

This download is still available on The downloads below will come directly from the Microsoft Download Center.

SHA1: bc1cf76736304edc9e64dd41c0b9a246ab551c3c
31.40 MB

File sizes and hashes are retrieved from the Wayback Machine’s indexes. They may not match the latest versions of files hosted on Microsoft servers.

System Requirements

Operating Systems: Windows Vista, Windows XP

  • Windows Media Player

Installation Instructions

  • Extract files from the zipped folder and double-click on HintingTrainingVideo