Microsoft Download Center Archive

White Paper - Organizations Leverage SharePoint to Build and Manage Critical Business Applications

  • Published:
  • Version: 1.0
  • Category: Document
  • Language: English

An independent study by Mainstay Partners evaluated the implementation of the Microsoft SharePoint platform at three companies with the goal of understanding how they use the SharePoint technology to build and manage critical business applications.

  • This white paper explores how three organizations deployed SharePoint capabilities to develop and manage essential business applications. While the deployments involved unique applications and content, each sought to achieve similar business goals – namely, to simplify and streamline IT environments, to increase business and IT flexibility and scalability, and add new capabilities to improve service levels and control costs.


Status: Live

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SHA1: 688bc872cfbde78989a54b66543d9403338ae975
475 KB

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System Requirements

Operating Systems: Apple Mac OS X, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP

  • Required Software:

    • PDF file reader:

Installation Instructions

  • Download the white paper and read with appropriate file viewer.