Microsoft Download Center Archive

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Reference: Tables and Table Groups

  • Published:
  • Version: 2012
  • Category: Document
  • Language: English

This worksheet lists all core Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 data tables.

  • This spreadsheet includes the name, table group, table type, whether the table is a system table, whether the table is visible in the Application Object Tree (AOT), and whether the table is shared.


Status: Live

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SHA1: c6be75cfd6dd6224fc9199de4171266747b42f38
562 KB

File sizes and hashes are retrieved from the Wayback Machine’s indexes. They may not match the latest versions of files hosted on Microsoft servers.

System Requirements

Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008

Installation Instructions

    1. Click Download to download the document.
    2. Save the file to your computer.