Microsoft Download Center Archive

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 white paper: Microsoft Project Server 2010 integration

  • Published:
  • Version: 2012
  • Category: Document
  • Language: English

This white paper describes how to set up the integration between Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Project Server 2010.

  • The integration of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 with Microsoft Project Server 2010 allows you to create projects in either product and then sychronize the data across both applications. This synchronization allows you to draw on both the core project management capabilities in Project Server and the financial management capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics AX. This white paper provides instructions for integrating data between the two products.


Status: Live

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SHA1: ca88f1fa06a4495dbdca6123c581f1b415ba07d9
532 KB

File sizes and hashes are retrieved from the Wayback Machine’s indexes. They may not match the latest versions of files hosted on Microsoft servers.

System Requirements

Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012

Installation Instructions

    1. Click Download to download the document in PDF file format.
    2. Save the file to your computer.