Microsoft Download Center Archive

Bulk update AAD office locations

  • Published:
  • Version: 1.0
  • Category: Tool
  • Language: English

Use this utility to update the PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName field in AAD profiles using a CSV file

  • This PowerShell utility updates the PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName (or Office) field in AAD profiles using a CSV file. The CSV file should contain a mapping between AAD aliases and the office info. It also backs up existing data to ensure that the changes can be rolled back.


Status: Live

This download is still available on The downloads below will come directly from the Microsoft Download Center.

FileSHA1 HashSize
BulkUpdateOfficeLocations.ps100f2c012f706cdb6223337523b875d9cb4bb65641 KB

File sizes and hashes are retrieved from the Wayback Machine’s indexes. They may not match the latest versions of files hosted on Microsoft servers.

System Requirements

Operating Systems: Windows 10, Windows Server 2016

    • Requires Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016

Installation Instructions

    1. Click Download to download the utility.
    2. Create a CSV file. For example, create a file named 'LocationInfo.csv'.
    3. Add rows containing user alias and office location info to the CSV file. For example, [email protected],2/1173. Ensure you have a separate row for each alias, office location) pair.
    4. Open Windows PowerShell.
    5. From commandline, cd to the folder containing the script.
    6. Run BulkUpdateOfficeLocations.ps1.
    7. Login using AAD credentials.
    8. Provide path of CSV file.
    9. The script will try to update the office field for the AAD aliases in the CSV file and publish a summary.